Monday, July 23, 2012

Design Wall Monday- July 23, 2012

Stitching the blues away on Glenda's Quilt.  I have the quilt top all together now, but want to keep an element of surprise until the big reveal when the quilt is delivered.  This is an Evelyn Sloppy pattern.  I started the sewing exactly 2 weeks ago when I first posted on DWM.  Enjoy the sneak peek and leave your comments.  Thanks to Mary C for helping put it up on the design wall and taking pictures.  It made us see a dark patch that needed to be un-sewed today.  I'm ahead of deadline on it and am thinking of how/what to 
'quilt' on it now. It is making me want to get out that Box of the Blue one that was started with my dear MIL-Alice, Glenda's Mother.  There are nearly enough leftover strips to make another Earth-toned one.


I had visitors in the Shop on Sunday.  Two of my grandchildren came and played with the scrap bin.
This small quilt was designed by a 11 year old grandson Kamren.  Can you tell he likes the color - ORANGE?

I'm linking up to Patchworktimes, Click HERE to see more Design Wall Monday Postings.

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