Monday, December 29, 2014

Mystery Link -up and Design Wall Monday- December 29, 2014

 We missed the Link-up last week with the Holidays.
Here is Lynn's Clue 5 All DONE!

Her other clues are in the works.  She has a bag labelled for each clue.

Mary Ellen has been busy making her Clues too

Mary C is all DONE with the clues.

Linking up with Quiltville HERE
 Design Wall Monday HERE


  1. All are looking good, especially since you have changed the colorways. I'm not that brave yet since this is only my second Bonnie Hunter Mystery quilt. Maybe next year. Can't wait to see everyone's quilt when they are finished.

  2. What a great collaboration of quilters here.

  3. Looking good and now the reveal is out!


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