Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Rainbow- A Bouquet of Friendship- Seen at Road to CA

 This is a picture of a picture, sorry for the fuzziness of it.  This quilt was made in Upland, California for the booth of Ginger's Quilt Shoppe at Road to CA.  She sent the picture to show what they did with our "Bouquet of Friendship" Pattern.  They made up kits and sold 22 of them.  Great News for the Thread and Bolts Quilting Business.  We sold her patterns while at Trends a year or so ago.  It's nice to see another version of our pattern. The patterns is available locally at Thread and Bolts, STASH and Sew-n-Vac.  We are thankful for Local support, too.
Funny that the same day I get to Blog about seeing a second quilt made with our pattern. This one is still in-process of being a quilt top.  Victoria, a local Quilt Guild member & former Treasurer, is making it for the lady who found her lying on her floor unconscious from an aneurysm and called for help, thus saving her life.
She has the corners ready to sew on for the center, they are just pinned to the place she will add them after she sews the trapezoid pieces on.  Then the final block border and a solid border of white with be added. 
Great job ladies!  Thanks for sharing with us!

New in to the Thread and Bolts Quilt Shop- more 108" wide fabrics. The selection has outgrown the space. If you are looking for 108" backing, come see Lynn!  
Next week is the Small Groups that meet on Tuesday @10am and 5pm, Wednesday @ 10 am.  We still need a "NAME".  Only one suggestion has come in via Mary C-  "The M & M Quilter's" since we are using Marti Michell Templates and patterns for our BOM (Block of the Month) quilts. There will be 2 new Block patterns for each of the 2 quilts we are making, given out. In addition, this month, Lynn will also be giving out the Finishing directions so the Alternate Blocks can be cut out and made, ready for assembly once the 12 pieced blocks are done.  Hope to see everyone there, ready to Sew and have fun!

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